Lee Lab

Lab Life

Banff Inflammation Workshop 2025

Congrats to Breanna for winning first place for the best postdoc poster at BIW 2025, and to Negin for receiving a travel research award, delivering a 3-minute quick trainee talk and presenting a poster!

MBB Graduate Colloquium 2024

Congratulations to Negin for winning the People's Choice Award! Her MBB poster presentation was on the impact of prematurity and sepsis on neonatal immune development.

Happy 1-year Anniversary, Joud!

Joud has been a research technician/lab manager with the Lee Lab for one year! Here Joud (center) can be seen celebrating with Mike, Lauren, Alex, Negin, Chloe, and Jonathan.

Healthy Starts Research Day in Vancouver!

Pearl presented a poster on genomic analysis to identify pathogens (bacterial and viral) in a cohort of neonates from Malawi, to further sepsis biomarker discovery with supervised learning techniques. Amy was an invited speaker and gave a talk entitled, 'Why Do Babies Get Sick? A Systems Biology Approach to Developing Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Neonatal Sepsis'.

Amy was interviewed in Science!

Amy was interviewed about her Frontiers in Immunology multi-omic hepatitis B vaccine response paper as well as the upcoming Human Immunome Project! Visit Science Insider.